Why Does YouTube Use So Much CPU? Find Quick Answers Here

Why does YouTube use so much CPU? Millions of people log onto YouTube to watch their favourite videos every day. These videos are high quality and entertaining, but they can also be a significant drain on your computer’s processor.

It turns out that YouTube is one of the most CPU-intensive services available today. This blog post will explain how youtube uses so much CPU and what you can do to reduce your CPU usage while still enjoying high-quality videos on the platform.

Why does YouTube use so much CPU?

Youtube uses a lot of CPU because it constantly decodes video and audio. It needs to do this to watch smooth videos with no glitches or pauses.

If you are using the HTML/Javascript player, your browser also uses some CPU for rendering the page, but not nearly as much as YouTube’s native player. If you are using the old player, then YouTube runs a Flash application in the background to handle some features. This application also uses a CPU.

YouTube’s player is very efficient and typically only uses about as much CPU as Vimeo, a far higher quality video than YouTube itself. On the other hand, audio playback can cause problems with your laptop or desktop computer because it sucks up so much juice that you might not be able to use your computer for anything else without running out of battery.

This is why we recommend that you use the HTML/Javascript player if your computer can handle it and only switch to the Flash version on older computers or netbooks with limited CPU resources.

If you use a mobile device such as an iPod Touch, iPhone or Android phone, then YouTube’s native player is the only option because there is no Flash support.

How to save on CPU when on YouTube?

There are a few things that you can do to save on CPU when watching YouTube videos. One is to use the “dark mode” feature, which will make the background of the video black instead of white.

This will use less CPU because your computer has to work harder to display white images than black ones. To switch to the “dark mode” feature, click on the Settings cogwheel in the bottom right corner of your video screen.

Another option is to download Youtube videos within the website, which will prevent it from opening a new window and using CPU power. To do this, simply click “Download,” then select an output format for your clip. Finally, you can minimize any other programs running so that your computer can focus on the video.

If you are running Chrome, an extension called “The Great Suspender” will make YouTube videos stop using the CPU when not directly in use. This may reduce noise and heat output from your device, but it could also affect performance while watching a video or playing games online because of less available memory.

If you have problems with your computer overheating, YouTube is likely using up too much CPU. In this case, try closing some of the other programs running on your device to free up resources for YouTube. You may also want to consider upgrading your hardware to something that can handle more intensive tasks.

Another thing you can do is to change the quality of the video. The higher the quality, the more CPU it will use. So if you don’t mind watching a lower-quality video, you can save some CPU that way. The video quality options are located in the same place as the “dark mode” feature, and you can choose between 360p, 720p, or 1080p.

Finally, you can close any other programs that you aren’t using while watching YouTube. This will give your computer more resources to focus on the video. This will free up more CPU for the video and will help to speed up your computer.

What are the causes of high CPU usage?

To troubleshoot high CPU usage, it’s essential to identify the root cause. If you can’t determine what’s causing the issue, consult with a technician or your computer manufacturer for assistance. The reasons for high CPU usage can vary, but common factors contribute to it. 

These include:

  • CPU intensive processes, such as video rendering or software compiling, will often cause your computer’s processor to work harder than usual.
  • If you have multiple applications open or your computer is running low on available memory, this can also lead to increased CPU usage. Opening too many programs at once overloads the CPU and slows down performance as more processes run simultaneously.
  • In some cases, a virus or other piece of malware may be the root cause of high CPU usage.
  • There might also be a background process or program that is CPU-intensive, but you’re not aware of it.
  • Incorrect power settings configured on your computer can cause it to overheat from constant high usage. This will degrade performance by causing system crashes, freezes, slowdowns, and even permanent hardware damage.
  • If your computer is overheating due to dust or dirt buildup inside the case, it can also cause high CPU usage. This will be accompanied by other symptoms, including slower performance, system crashes, freezes etc.
  • The causes of high CPU usage are not always easy to determine on your own. Still, with some detective work and the help of a technician or your computer manufacturer, you can usually get to the bottom of it.

How to troubleshoot high CPU usage on a PC

There are many reasons why your PC’s CPU might be running high, but there is a way to troubleshoot and fix the problem: 

A program or process is using too much CPU power:

If you suspect that a program or process uses too much CPU power, you can use the Task Manager to find out. To open the Task Manager, press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and select Task Manager.

In the Processes tab, look for a process using a high percentage of your CPU’s resources. If you find one, right-click it and select End Process.

Your computer is overheating:

If your computer is overheating, you may need to clean the dust out of its fans and vents or install a new cooling system. You can also reduce the load on your CPU by closing unnecessary programs.

You have a virus or malware infection:

If you think you may have a virus or malware infection, you can use a free antivirus program to scan your computer for viruses. If you find any viruses, remove them immediately. You can also try using a malware removal tool to eliminate any malware infections.

Incorrect power settings configured on your computer:

If your computer’s power settings are incorrect, it may cause your CPU to run at a higher than average speed. Open the Control Panel and select Power Options to check your computer’s power settings.

In the Power Plans section, ensure that your plan is set to ‘Balance’ or ‘High Performance.’ You can also try changing the setting for Processor Power Management to Maximum Performance.

Your computer is overclocked:

If your computer is overclocked, it can cause high CPU usage because the processor speed has been increased above its average level. To check if your computer’s settings have been changed:

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and select Task Manager.
  2. In the Processes tab, look for a process using a high percentage of your CPU’s resources.
  3. If you find one, right-click it and select End Process.

You need to upgrade your computer:

If your computer’s hardware is not up to date, you may need to upgrade it to reduce CPU usage. You can check the system requirements for any new programs installed to see what hardware requirements they have. 

If your computer is not meeting these minimum requirements, you may need to upgrade your CPU or RAM for the software program to function correctly. You can also use an application like Speccy to find out more about your computer’s hardware and diagnose problems with your CPU.

A program or process is using too much CPU power:

If you suspect that a program or process uses too much CPU power, you can use the Task Manager to find out. To open the Task Manager, press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and select Task Manager. In the Processes tab, look for a process using a high percentage of your CPU’s resources. If you find one, right-click it and select End Process.

If you’ve tried all of these solutions and your CPU is still running high, it may be time to replace your computer. Make sure to back up your important files before upgrading your computer.


YouTube is constantly evolving and improving. It’s not just about the videos you see; it’s also about what happens behind the scenes to make everything run smoothly. 

Keep in mind that CPUs are typically used for more than one thing at a time so if your computer isn’t running well, take care of other things like updating drivers or uninstalling unnecessary programs before determining whether too much CPU usage by YouTube is to blame. 

In this blog post, we have explained why YouTube takes up so much processing power. We also listed a few solutions to help you reduce CPU usage on your device and showed how to resolve this issue. 



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